acceler8 has a unique approach to data transformation.
Acceler8 has developed a transformation platform that uses a unique and powerful declarative approach. It enables real time feedback and accelerates as well as simplifies the requirements discovery, production, testing and reconciliation of simple to ultra-complex data transformation projects.
Uses declarative techniques
Based on a successful approach, proven in the field for over 15 years
Available as a fully hosted cloud based service or in-house installation

All run-time interface and migration services can be deployed on an elastic cloud enabling the availability necessary for large data migrations. Alternatively, traditional in-house installations are available.

A unique declarative transformation grammar allows the generation of run-time code directly and automatically from requirements. This in turn allows the requirements to be discovered and changed rapidly without the traditional development cycle and the associated costs of change control.

All executing code is transpiled into native JavaScript to run in nodeJS on all supported platforms.
acceler8 data transformation platform
A unique declarative platform using industry standard run-time components supporting multiple deployment patterns on many platforms.
At its heart is an advanced declarative transpiler which automatically generates the implementation avoiding the need for manual coding.
The use of this declarative approach greatly accelerates the production, testing, discovery and reconciliation of simple to ultra-complex data transformation projects.
Benefits include:
Reduced risk and TCO. Completeness, reconciliation and regression tests are the key to knowing whether the transformations are correct. These can be automatically created alongside the main transformation from the same sources. This reduces risk and drives down Total Cost of Ownership.
Flexibility. The platform acts as a “Zero Insertion Force” component to your existing software and hardware infrastructure.
Efficiency. Reuse exists at the requirements level enabling existing declarations and transformations to reduce development time.
Reduce costs and time to market. The declarative approach enables faster project completion.

Powerful features
Agnostic to all data types (XML, JSON, text etc.)
Highly indexed graph based data representation
Asynchronous & event based
Extensible language and expression systems
Flexible business rules
Requirements modelling
Industry standard run-time
Transformation grammars are used to represent the system semantics, however, all execution is performed in native JavaScript on any supported platform and not using proprietary interpreters
Transformational declarative language
Transpiled into standard runtime platform
Target (execution) platform: nodeJS / AWS

It is possible to migrate data from one legacy line-of-business system to another.
Systems migration can be very complex. When implementing a new system, business users are learning about the functionality and determining what historical data can be brought over. Often the target systems are changing during the process. Often decisions are made to limit the amount of data due to complexity and cost factors.
However, acceler8’s transformation platform allows business users to easily migrate all current and historical data correctly cleansed, updated and reconciled.
Acceler8’s declarative approach:
Designed to deal with requirement discovery and change during the process (requirements do not have to be complete before the process starts).
The migration of all historical transactions (not just the current state) with the necessary cleansing and application of business logic.
Multiple source and target systems (including data warehouses.)
In one operation over hours not days.
Fully tested, verified, audited and reconciled.

All historical transactions (not just the current state)

In one operation over hours
not days

Fully tested, verified, audited and reconciled
Suite 172
2325 Hurontario Street
Mississauga ON L5A 4K4